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Experiences and Ideas Around the Topic of “Testing”

OBJENTIS co-hosted a high-profile roundtable of digital executives from various industries to share experiences and ideas on the topic of testing.

The panel included Dominik Achleitner (NÖM AG), Alexander Brandl (Zurich Insurance AG), Drazen Djukic (Wienerberger AG), Leo Hintersteiner (WALTER Group), Gerald Lippert (UNIQA Insurance Group), Clemens Prerovsky (APA IT GmbH), Stefan Simek (formerly of OBJENTIS Software Integration), Sabine Stortenbeek (OBJENTIS Software Integration), Susanne Tischmann (ÖAMTC), Roland Tscheinig (OBJENTIS Software Integration) and Thomas Zapf (VERBUND).

The IT managers shared their opinions and experiences on implementing and optimizing software applications in companies. The discussion emphasized the crucial role of testing and the active involvement of the relevant department faculty for the success of digital transformation.

  • For example, how can project managers make it clear to users that their participation in testing and test case creation is not only necessary, but also brings clear benefits – and how can this be supported by AI?
  • How do interdisciplinary product teams with direct coordination between the test manager and the business promote effective collaboration and quality in development?
  • What are the sticking points for testing projects and user acceptance?

Read more in the article “Test Strategies: Challenge User Acceptance” by DIGBIZ Leader Media and find inspiration for your own organization.

In the second part of the roundtable follow-up: “Test and Launch Strategies: How Agile is the Business?” we found that turning the potential of business applications into actual productivity is often a complex challenge.

It is particularly interesting to consider the different requirements for mainframe and DevOps scenarios. This shows that the understanding of agility and the purpose of prototypes and MVPs often diverge between IT and the business. A gap that is increasingly being bridged by the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

We thank the participants for an interesting evening with exciting insights!

Photos: Heidi Pein/DIGBIZ LEADER Media ©

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