Together for a Mine-Free Worls
Since 2012, we have been supporting the work of Gemeinsam gegen Landminen (GGL Austria). As an internationally active company, we are committed to taking social responsibility and providing help where it is urgently needed.
We describe our motivation as follows:
“Information and communication technologies bring the world closer together. As an international company, OBJENTIS embraces the responsibility to assist where hardship and disaster are evident—for example, the dangers posed by landmines. Supporting the aid projects of Gemeinsam gegen Landminen is, therefore, a key part of OBJENTIS’s CSR.”
We are pleased to fund GGL Austria’s projects and support affected regions. Whether through mine clearance, awareness campaigns, or assistance for those impacted, this work brings hope and safety. Beyond financial support, it is equally important for us to provide advisory assistance and actively promote the mission of a mine-free world.
We hope our commitment inspires other companies to join this important initiative. Together, we can make the world a safer place—step by step.
Women’s Rights are Human Rights

The opening sentence of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Unfortunately, to this day the statement still does not apply to all human beings: Women in many regions of the world, and in many areas of life, must live with a lack of access to education, as well as exploitation and exposure to violence.
Amnesty International wants to change this. Through research, campaigns and initiatives, the organization is working to reduce injustice and discrimination.
OBJENTIS has supported Amnesty International for many years, and is doing so again this year with a focus on the initiative “Women’s Rights are Human Rights.”
To find out more, including how you too can support this initiative click here.
We stand for an open, diverse and cohesive society. This is why, for over twenty years now, we have dedicated 1% of our sales turnover to initiatives and projects in the areas of social responsibility, art and culture, and sustainable development.
"Menschen für Menschen-tram" is on the road again
OBJENTIS has supported numerous social projects throughout the year. In keeping with this tradition, as 2023 comes to a close we welcome the new year by supporting the “Menschen für Menschen” initiative this year once again.
Starting November, you can admire specially designed trams on Vienna’s lines 2, 5, 25, 26 and 31 until 9 February 2024. This campaign is a sign of our support for the valuable work of “Menschen für Menschen” in Ethiopia, which is very close to the heart of our Managing Director Roland Tscheinig and which he was able to see for himself on site.
“Menschen für Menschen” offers all those who want to change the world for the better a platform and opportunities to support women, men and children in Ethiopia. The aim is to help them to shape their lives independently through their own efforts. Their projects in various regions of Ethiopia, they have proven that working together leads to sustainably better living conditions.
We would like to thank the MfM Initiative for their valuable work, which has improved the lives of many people in the long term.
You too can support!

Human dignity is untouchable
Justice and human dignity are prerequisites for a peaceful future worth living. This requires voices of admonition.
For over 60 years, Amnesty International has been one such voice that is heard worldwide. Amnesty fights against discrimination and campaigns for justice – all around the world. The protection of people in armed conflicts, of women and children, of refugees is a particularly focus for the organization.
Help is more than just giving alms, help means providing human dignity. OBJENTIS has been supporting the work of Amnesty International for years, currently focusing on the “I ran from Iran” initiative for people persecuted in Iran. I you would also like to help:
In our interconnected world, we see it as an ethical obligation to stand up for an open and diverse society in which social unity prevails. That’s why, for the past 20 years, we have been donating 1 % of our turnover to initiatives and projects in the areas of social responsibility, art and culture as well as sustainable development.
Saadi Shirazi's poem

Saadi Shirazi’s poem “Human Beings” emphasises the universal interconnectedness of people and the concept of empathy, which points out that the suffering of one person is the suffering of all.
Ukraine Emergency Aid

The war in Ukraine is very upsetting and we would like to contribute to alleviate the suffering at least a little bit. Some of our employees come from Ukraine and tell us first-hand how they, as well as their families and friends, have been affected.
Perhaps some will remember from stories told by their parents or grandparents how CARE packages arrived in Austria after the Second World War. OBJENTIS so far has provided EUR 35.000 in emergency aid to Ukraine, with the money going to CARE Austria.
We also offer our employees the opportunity to donate an amount that will be doubled by OBJENTIS.
You too can support!
If you would also like to help, you can find the donation link of CARE Austria at or in the press release of CARE Austria.

Refugees Aid - Thailand
OBJENTIS continually supports special focus projects. Currently we are supporting Refugee Aid in Thailand.
There's no future without education
The Covid pandemic has increased extreme hardship. For many children, school has been cancelled – and with it often the only warm meal a day. But above all, these children lose all prospects for the future. The poorest of the poor, children of refugees, day laborers and discriminated minorities, have been hit hardest.
CARE Austria helps on site and has been running schools for children of refugee families from Myanmar in Thailand for years. Demand and need in the region are very high. OBJENTIS has been supporting CARE for many years, and this project specifically since 2018.
If you would also like to help, please donate to:

IBAN: AT77 6000 0000 0123 6000
Password: Thailand
IBAN: AT77 6000 0000 0123 6000
Kennwort: Thailand
More information about this CARE aid project can be found here.

Reporters Without Borders
In 2021, OBJENTIS supported the organization Reporters Without Borders for the first time.
Committed to the truth
We are fortunate to be able to live in freedom, in a consolidated democracy. A free press is a prerequisite for this, the “fourth pillar” of democracy. By explaining contexts, pointing out grievances and presenting complex issues in a comprehensible way, reporters make a significant contribution to the citizens’ maturity. In many countries, they risk losing their income, and far too often their freedom and their lives: In 2021, 25 journalists were killed and 358 imprisoned.
Reporters Without Borders is committed to ensuring that information remains a human right and cares for persecuted reporters. The organization thus works worldwide to uphold the right to freedom of the press and for diversity of opinion. Information and communications technology stands for the free exchange of opinions, which is why we are especially called upon to contribute to critical reporting, to independent journalism. This is why OBJENTIS supports Reporters Without Borders. You can find out more about the organization and specific ways to donate at