With around one million companies and almost five million ratings, kununu is Europe’s largest employer rating portal. kununu is a platform on which employees can rate companies where they currently work or have worked in the past according to a variety of criteria – from career & salary to corporate culture & working environment. Since 2015, kununu has been recognizing companies that have received particularly good ratings. Only around 5% of the employers represented on the platform qualified for the kununu Top Company Seal 2022.
We are pleased to announce that OBJENTIS has been awarded the kununu Top Company seal!
As of December 2021, OBJENTIS has a kununu score of 4.6 points (out of a maximum of 5 achievable). This value is higher than the average of companies that have assigned themselves to the Internet industry (3.8 points).
Working at OBJENTIS
Quality needs appropriate resources, good planning, clearly structured processes and the right indicators for evaluation. But above all, it also needs people who care about quality. That’s why we’re looking for you! In our job portal you can find out about the positions currently advertised.